
1. Kevin and I cheers-ing.
2. I have a recent obsession with Mai Tai’s (thanks, Hawaii).
3. The only thing I did today was shop and craft and it was my favorite.


1. Today was long but good.
2. Night walks are the best, especially with good company.
3. Reece’s sticks.


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1. Today is all about productivity – blog ideas are flowing and photoshop is running.

2. I’m obsessed with the color of Barbie’s Dream Car on my finger nails.

3. I am pumped for an empty weekend schedule!


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1. My body is still on Hawaii time (5 hours behind) and it’s making my mornings pretty rough. My favorite shoes are making things better today though.

2. I have approximately four projects and tons of wedding pamphlet/magazines/information scattered around my room so it basically looks like a bridal magazine and a craft store threw up. I don’t even hate it.

3. I almost always have over 10 tabs open on my computer, including now.


After writing this post, I decided that joining in on this little weekly series would be the perfect way to keep up the positive vibes and emotions from my selfie challenge. I’d love for you to join me by posting your Thursday3 on your blog or instagram!

///Thursday3 is a weekly photo challenge created by rukristin. All you have to do 1) snap a photo of yourself, 2) write down three things about your life right now, and 3) invite a few friends to play along!  “What started as reminder to take more photos of myself has since evolved into an incredible community of women who post selfies and tell our right-now stories.We are strong and beautiful because of our features, not despite our flaws.”


Self Portraiture

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See, doesn’t that sound a million times better than “selfie”? Over the last couple months, I have taken the challenge to take a photo of myself each day. I surprised myself by absolutely loving the project. I have been able to document so many exciting moments in my life with raw, real emotion. I love it and am so thankful for these moments.

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Being someone who is typically behind the camera rather than in front of it, I decided that I need to include myself more. My projects need to incorporate my perspective and my emotions. I’m already not the best at expressing them, so why not try something different? I have heard a lot of negative talk about selfies (which makes me a little weary to do them in public) and I think in general they have a negative connotation stemming from people who post selfies on facebook every single day. But you know what I have also noticed? These selfies come along with captions that talk about loving themselves, loving how God made them, and general positivity about their lives. These people are beautiful and they know it. I love that.

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As I did this challenge, I began to analyze the things that were truly making me happy and the things that made me feel negative towards myself. I learned that I love the way that God created me because I am unique and exactly how He wanted me to be. He knows that I’m sassy, stubborn and self-confident to a fault. But He also knows that I try hard to be more like Him every day. So here I am making big gains from a simple little photo project.

 photo 2118CD50-7B70-46F8-AAB9-05E687CD8745_zpsig2rhmgn.jpgAs I look back at these photos, I realize how “me” they are. Glimpses of my daily life that would never have been captured if someone else were behind the camera – my photographic voice, if you will. It gives you my perspective of my life and the things (and people) that mean the world to me.


Here are some of my favorite “SELFIE” posts that I have come across in the past couple of months. I have been so inspired and I hope you are too!

Ronnie’s unique perspective on taking self portraits | Real Beauty Talks – women and their stories | A raw conversation about beauty | Alessia’s 30 days of selfies | rukristin’s new Thursday3 challenge